Astrological database in CALIF format
Total number of banks in the data base - 76.
Date last modified - 19 December 2024 (version 20241219).
Catalog of databases can be
downloaded from here.
Before you deal with thematic datasets, check out the article
"Astrological databases", which introduces into the course and you get familiar with some terms that will be relevant when considering this issue.
astrological database is presented in
CALIF format and
data sets are grouped by thematic sub-groups to make it easier to search for the correct set for further research of the chart objects influence (planets, planetoids, fictitious points, cusps, etc.) on the fate of people and global processes. Each set archive contains in name the time stamp in YYYYMMDD string (eg, 20140813), which represents the date (year-month-day) of dataset creation. Therefore, you can easily keep track of new versions of the datasets, and download updated one if necessary.
Attention! If there is interest in such sets, but they are not among presented below, please,
download the file with the categories, drawn up on the data basis, presented in site, and follow the instructions in the file. If astrological software does not support
CALIF format, please, find an
answer to this question in 'Frequently Asked Questions'.
To download, please, click on the group name, select a set of interest, and click the mouse on the circle to the left to download the set archive for further work.
Groups of data sets
Astrologers-writers. Data Bank to study indicators of ability to write books on Astrology. The number of data records - 499. (20141021) |
Astrologers. Data Bank to study indicators of Astrology practice. The number of data records - 963. (20141021) |
Charts from Analysis of the Horoscope by Shestopalov S.V., Molchanov O.A., Mir Uranii, 2010. The number of data records - 79. (20141105) |
Astrologers of the World by George Chur. The number of data records - 539. (20151119) |
Astrologers and mystics. The number of data records - 76. (20210505) |
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Data Bank to study earthquakes. The data bank contains transit charts of earthquake for the period from 22 December 2005 to 20 December 2006, the reduced to the Coordinated Universal Time. The number of data records - 588. (20140813) |
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Thieves in law. By George Chur. The number of data records - 1010. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died from injuries, wounds, accident. By George Chur. The number of data records - 26. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died from a bomb. By George Chur. The number of data records - 5. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law died from the disease. By George Chur. The number of data records - 94. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died of a drug overdose. By George Chur. The number of data records - 27. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died from firearm. By George Chur. The number of data records - 112. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died from suffocation or hanging. By George Chur. The number of data records - 3. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died from stab wounds. By George Chur. The number of data records - 7. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died from a known killer. By George Chur. The number of data records - 20. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died from poisoning. By George Chur. The number of data records - 2. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law committed suicide. By George Chur. The number of data records - 7. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, who died for an unknown reason. By George Chur. The number of data records - 148. (20151119) |
Thieves-in-law, missing. By George Chur. The number of data records - 13. (20151119) |
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Alcoholics. Data Bank for the study of the phenomenon of alcoholism and alcohol dependence. The number of data records - 1160. (20141021) |
Bank to study blood groups. It contains the actual data of blood group and Rh factor in patients to investigate the influence of the planets on the position of the blood group and Rh factor. The number of data records - 669. (20151119) |
Data Bank to study mental illness. It contains the actual data of patients with mental illness, separated into groups. The Bank is designed to investigate the influence of the planets on the diagnosis of the situation. The number of data records - 1693. (20140813) |
Homosexuality. The Bank's commitment to explore the signs of homosexuality. The number of data records - 491. (20150128) |
Centenarians. Bank data for the study of the phenomenon of longevity (life expectancy more than 80 years). The number of data records - 1244. (20141021) |
Charts from the book. Medical Astrology. The principles of astrological diagnosis of diseases, Timoshenko. The number of data records - 119. (20141105) |
Charts from the book. Pervosource presumably - Medical Astrology, Shestopalov SV. The number of data records - 39. (20141105) |
Exposure during childhood injury (battered) in the family. Bank to explore the signs of a possible exposure of children to violence in the family. The number of data records - 505. (20150128) |
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Actors and actresses. Data Bank to explore the signs of acting profession. The number of data records - 2024. (20141021) |
Businessmen. Data Bank to explore the signs of running a business. The number of data records - 585. (20150128) |
The military. Data Bank to explore the signs to start a military career. The number of data records - 788. (20150507) |
Military pilots. Data Bank to explore the signs to be military pilots. The number of data records - 123. (20150507) |
Servicemen. The Bank's ability to study features of military service. The number of data records - 788. (20150507) |
Vocalists. Data Bank to explore the signs of ability to sing and appear on stage. The number of data records - 823. (20150507) |
Journalists. Data Bank to explore the signs of ability to be a columnist. The number of data records - 561. (20150128) |
Stars of soap operas and TV sitcoms. Data Bank to explore the signs of participating in soap operas and TV sitcoms/ The number of data records - 536. (20150128) |
Charts from the book. Astrology of Professions. By Shestopalov S.V. The number of data records - 38. (20141105) |
Business trips. Data Bank to explore the signs of frequent business trips at work. The number of data records - 555. (20150128) |
Instrumentalists. Data Bank to explore the signs of ability to play the musical instruments. The number of data records - 814. (20150507) |
Autobiography writers. Data Bank to explore the signs of ability to open itself to the world and writing books. The number of data records - 776. (20150507) |
Detective writers. Data Bank to explore the signs of ability to be a detective fiction author. The number of data records - 73. (20150507) |
Science fiction writers. Data Bank to explore the signs of ability to be a science fiction writer. The number of data records - 1030. (20141215) |
Poets. Data Bank to explore the signs of ability to write poems professionally. The number of data records - 589. (20150128) |
Application writers. Data Bank to explore the signs of ability to write textbooks and manuals. The number of data records - 954. (20150507) |
Senior executives. Data Bank to explore the signs to be appointed to senior position. The number of data records - 1024. (20141215) |
Successful financial expert. Data Bank to explore the signs of financial capacity. The number of data records - 720. (20141021) |
Teachers. Data Bank to explore the signs to teach. The number of data records - 1052. (20141215) |
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Public people
Data Bank of public people. The number of data records - 5881. (20140813) |
Data Bank of Nobel Laureates grouped in 5 categories (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace). The number of data records - 682. (20140813) |
Natal charts of celebrities with descriptions and pictures. The number of data records - 341. (20140813) |
Outstanding People. The number of data records - 6064. (20210505) |
SignificantPersons. The number of data records - 475. (20210505) |
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Datasets on sport theme presented below are limited by the number of records. Each set contains up to about 500 records or so. This restriction is due to the fact that it is quite valuable sets. As quite a lot of time spent on their preparation: to correct manually the data of players’ births, stadiums for the matches and binding goals to UTC. This restriction
does not apply to users of
Laboratory astrological program.
At the present time work on creation of sets is not completed. It will be continued until the end of 2015 due to the large amounts of data about the matches and scoring. However, these sets given for general use are quite a lot of interest for those who try to find patterns of forecasts, and for those who make football predictions.
All sets are presented in CALIF format. This format allows you to 'bind' pair of charts: the natal chart and event chart. In this case the event means a specific goal (the 10th house theme) for a particular player. As the events are related to a particular stadium and the time when a goal is scored from the game start, they can be used both in the analysis of the transits with cusps and rapid progressions.
Goals of male footballers, who scored 2 goals in a match at least. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 609. (20150505) |
Goals of female players, who scored 2 goals in a match at least. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 609. (20150505) |
Own goals of male footballers, who scored 2 goals in a match at least. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 21. (20150505) |
Goals of male footballers scored in a penalty, who scored in one match at least 2 goals in the penalty. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 712. (20150505) |
Goals of female footballers scored in a penalty, who scored in one match at least 2 goals in the penalty. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 33. (20150505) |
Own goals of male footballers. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 976. (20150505) |
Own goals of female footballers. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 283. (20150505) |
Goals of male footballers. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 561. (20150505) |
Goals of female footballers. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 605. (20150505) |
Goals scored by male footballers in a penalty. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 723. (20150505) |
Goals scored by female footballers in a penalty. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 672. (20150505) |
Goals of male footballers who scored the maximum number of goals during the career. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 547. (20150505) |
Goals of female footballers who scored the maximum number of goals during the career. The bank contains pairs of charts: footballer&goal (event of 10th house theme) and is designed to study prediction techniques of football match results. The number of data records - 534. (20150505) |
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Data Bank contains transit charts of air crash within the time period from 17 September 1908 to 21 May 2005 (+ 17 July 2014). The number of data records - 531. (20140813) |
Data Bank contains transit charts of shipwreck within the time period from 17 September 1908 to 21 May 2005 (+ 17 July 2014). The number of data records - 249. (20140813) |
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Data Bank to study currency ratе. It contains the real data on fluctuation of currency exchange rates between USD/EUR and RUB at place of the Central Bank at 2 pm MSK. The number of data records - 6108. (20140813) |
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Human features
A large number of marriages.Data Bank to study the signs of being married many times. The number of data records - 2214. (20141215) |
A man has been married more than 15 years. Data Bank to study features of long-lasting marriages. The number of data records - 979. (20141215) |
Widowhood.Data Bank to study the signs of widowhood. The number of data records - 368. (20141021) |
A large number of divorces. Data Bank to study the signs of tendency to divorce. The number of data records - 613. (20150128) |
Emigrants. Data Bank to study the signs of living abroad (emigration). The number of data records - 582. (20150128) |
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Mundane charts
City Horoscopes. The number of data records - 40. (20210505) |
Organizations Horoscopes. The number of data records - 8. (20210505) |
Events and Eras. The number of data records - 105. (20210505) |
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UFO sightings. The number of data records - 22. (20210505) |
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Banks from astrological programs
Data bank from the SolarFire program. The number of data records - 3643. (20210623).
The charts are divided into groups:
- Architects, Art Critics, Cartoonists, Designers, Visual Artists;
- Economists, Entrepreneurs, Financiers, Industrialists, Merchants;
- Criminals, Femme Fatales, Porn Stars, Spies, Survivors, Victims;
- Astrologers, Healers, New Agers, Occultists, Palmists, Theosophists;
- Fashion Designers, Models, Pin-ups, Philanthropists, Socialites;
- Authors, Literary Critics, Novelists, Playwrights, Poets, Writers;
- Biographers, Journalists, Media Personalities, Promoters, Publishers;
- Commanders, Dictators, Generals, Militia, Soldiers, Strategists;
- Choreographers, Composers, Dancers, DJs, Musicians, Singers, Songwriters;
- Activists, Diplomats, First Ladies, Officials, Politicians, Trade Unionists;
- Gurus, Missionaries, Monks, Popes, Priests, Nuns, Saints;
- Aristocrats, Emperors, Empresses, Queens, Kings, Royal Families;
- Case Studies, Doctors, Hard Scientists, Inventors, Social Scientists;
- Actors, Actresses, Comedians, Filmmakers, Magicians, Stars;
- Acrobats, Coaches, Commentators, Martial Artists, Players;
- Astrologers;
- Well-Known Jockeys and Horses;
- Australian Data Collection;
- Clifford Data Compendium.
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