Description of astrological exchange JALIF format

JALIF - JSON AstroLogical Interchange Format JALIF - (JSON AstroLogical Interchange Format) is the JSON-format for exchanging astrological data. The format is similar to the CALIF exchange format, and differs from it in that it is based on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), not XML. Is he, like the CALIF format, it is intended for the exchange of astrological data between astrological programs. Moreover, astrological data means not only generally accepted data in the form of date-time, coordinates and time corrections, but also extended data, the type of topics of astrological houses, the choice of additional conditions, links of event cards to basic natal charts, etc.

Files of this format have a smaller size than files of the CALIF format, but the sets transferred to them have a strict data set and are typed, which somewhat reduces their extensibility, in contrast to the format CALIF. However, this format can be used as a less voluminous and lightweight alternative to the more general and universal CALIF format.

Attention! DataWorker program, which, among other things, imports and exports data, will convert data from JALIF format to a format that is available for use.

Page contains description of exchange JALIF format

General description of exchange JALIF format

JALIF is a JSON-file with an arbitrary name and a set of key-value pairs defined by a given storage scheme.

Benefits of JALIF format use

Since this format is a lighter clone of the CALIF format, almost all the advantages of the CALIF format are common to this format.
  1. Allows you to organize data storage in a tree structure with any folder configuration.
  2. Can operate with private attributes specific only to a specific program.
  3. Allows you to automate astrological analysis, search for charts and events by a number of signs (type of chart, accuracy of events, topics of querent and quesite, associate events with basic natal charts, analyze quantitative values ​​(for example, change in the exchange rate for a particular exchange), etc.).
  4. It does not depend on the data storage formats (date-time, coordinates, time correction sign, etc.) that are specific to a particular country or community of astrologers.
  5. Supports any languages ​​and does not depend on national encoding (uses UNICODE).
  6. Open and easy to implement thanks to JSON.

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JALIF. The comparison diagram of data use in astrology programs Comparison chart of data usage in astrological programs (full analogy with the CALIF format)

Without JALIF format
  • Each program has a number of data converter from other formats of astrology programs. Advanced program identifies 4-5 formats of astrology programs at least.
  • If the format is unknown an astrologer has no opportunity to take advantage of this kind of data
With JALIF format
  • Each program has only 2 converters: from JALIF format to native format (data storage format), from native format to JALIF format.
  • All data (from any program) generated and placed in a common space are available to any astrologer.
The exchange format enables:
  • to transfer related charts, pictures and any attributes of charts and events;
  • to add additional attributes of charts and events: easily expandable;
  • to generate the base of charts and events of any tree-like structure.
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Informational elements of records set

These elements carry the information content of each set of records.
Element Description Format, remarks Variants, exampples
fsign Format signature The format signature is required to identify the format of the file. JALIF_DataFormat
fver Version of format YYYYMMDD 20190801
utctag Attribute of direction of UTC offset In Russia and Europe it is considered to use positive offsets from UTC to the east of Greenwich, and in the USA vice versa P - plus east of Greenwich
N - negative east of Greenwich
nameset The name of the data set SSS...SSS. Any string of characters available Test example
dtset Date of formation of a dataset YYYYMMDDHHMISS (year-month-day-hour-minutes-seconds) 20190801211317
totrec The number of records in the set It describes a number of records of a given set 739
author Information about an author of the data set selection Astrologer-compiler of the data set/link to a page on the Internet Astroman
... other attributes To be entered if required ...
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Record data elements (in a set)

These elements describe the contents of each record (chart or event) related to the set.
Key Description Format, remark Variants, examples Need
rkey A unique record key A record can be either a chart or a folder. A key is to uniquely identify each record. GUID is recommended to use as a key 7AA8AC13A2F947CC82470CCBEE0B4700 V
pkey The unique key of a parent record Only a folder can only be a parent record. A key is to uniquely identify each record. GUID is recommended to use as a key A73B273FF6094B14972F01FDD383320E V
rtag Record type attribute S
It describes the type of a record as a folder or chart
F - folder
D - chart
name Chart name(name, event, question etc. SSS...SSS
Any string of characters available
Birthday of Vladimir Visotskiy V
dt Chart date-time YYYYMMDDHHMISS
25 january 1938, 9 hours 34 minutes 0 seconds
delta Time offset of UTC NHHMISS (sign-hour-minutes-seconds)
Taking into account the direction attribute of UTC corrections in recordset attributes
+030000 - UTC+3 hours (to east)
+053017 - UTC+5:30:17 (to east)
-010000 - UTC-1 hour (to west)
lat Place latitude DDMISSN
(degrees-minutes-seconds-semisphere N/S)
554500N - 55°45'00" N
000001S - 0°0'1" S
lon Place longitude DDDMISSN
(degrees-minutes-seconds-semisphere E/W)
0373700E - 37°37'00" E
0070101W - 7°1'1" W
0000000E - 0°0'0" E
place Text description of the place SSS...SSS
Arbitrary name of chart (event) place
Moscow (Moscow region) -
remc Note SSS...SSS
Free text for the chart (events)
rectification by Astroman -
ctag Attribute of chart S
Sign describing the type of chart
0 - undefined
N - natal chart
E - event
H - horar chart
thems Theme (s) of a chart NNMM
Theme (s) of a chart for events and themes of querent-quesited for a horary chart
0000 - for natal chart
0500 - event theme 5
0107 - querent theme 1, quesited theme 7
sex Sex S
Gender attribute for a natal chart
0 - (zero) undefined
M - male
F - female
prectag Accuracy character of a chart S
It describes the accuracy of chart date-time
For natal chart:
0 - undefined
K - comogramm
N - chart is not rectified
R - chart is rectified

For events:
0 - (zero) undefined
P - exactly
M - minutes
H - hours
D - days
W - weeks
Y - months
rpic Link to the photo file SSS...SSS
relative file name and extension
vvisockiy.png - file is located in the folder with XML-file
img\vvisockiy.png - file is located in the folder IMG, which is located with XML-file
nkey A unique record key of a natal chart It is intended to indicate a natal chart that gave rise to this event. It is used for the automated analysis of events and charts. A73B273FF6094B14972F01FDD383320E -
addvals Additional terms SSS...SSS
Additional terms, used to enhance automated execution of operations. For example, there are additional house themes ("addtheme" tag), additional chart objects ("useobj" tag) and excluded objects ("ignoreobj" tag), which are used to define thematic objects, used in rectification and prognostics.
fval The value for the analysis N.M (N: the integer part, M: the fractional part)
It is used in the case of automated analysis of events and charts. For example, the value of currency exchange rate for a settlement on the specified date.
... other attributes other private attributes that can be used by a specific program ... ...
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