YouTube Video

There are YouTube videos on page, which are associated with the astrological software of the site.

Attention! In the upper left corner of each player there is a video list (playlist). To open this list and select a video clip, please, click the mouse on the playlist picture and select the desired track scrolling the list.

List of groups of video clips

Demonstrations , presentations and video instructions (7 video clips)

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Promotional videos about the astrological programs (38 video clips)

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Video instructions how to use Galaxy astrological programs (114 video clips)

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Video tutorials on work with Galaxy software components (29 video clips)

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First steps with Galaxy (5 video clips)

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Learn Galaxy. Video lessons (questions and answers) (6 video clips)

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Video algorithms of astrological work (4 video clips)

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Videos about astrological CALIF exchange format

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All videos related to the astrological programs (195 video clips)

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