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These videos demonstrate in brief the user interface and capabilities of each program..
The videos show in detail how to work with specific astrology programs: user interface and recommendations on their use.
Course on the practical use of astrological programs of the Galaxy space. In the video, I share practical tips and algorithms for working with Galaxy programs to solve certain problems from different areas of astrology, that I have to deal with.
Videos tell about the practical solution of very specific questions by means of astrology programs.
User interface of Galaxy. Description of the general user interface for all Galaxy programs. Video (20151002) |
Work with databases of charts. It shows how to create, fill, edit and remove a database intended for storage of data used in chart generation. Video (20151002) |
Generation of new charts. We consider astrologer’s work on generation of charts in different ways. Each method of chart generation is designed to optimize data entry process. Video (20151002) |
Generation of new charts. Part 2. New possibilities for creating charts are considered. Video (20170719) |
We save the created charts and consider the question of saving newly generated charts here. Different data storage options are on focus. Each option is intended to solve various tasks. Video (20151002) |
Loading the saved charts. We consider the questions connected to loading the previously saved data to generate a chart. Video (20151002) |
City Directory is on focus. We work with the questions on use of the City Directory and entry of coordinates and time offsets in different ways. Video (20151002) |
Time offsets are on focus. The questions of time offsets entry/use are considered. The examples how to use the time table sets and protection from automatic change are given. Video (20151002) |
We generate a list of natal/event charts and consider the questions how to generate a list of natal/event charts: dragging of charts and chart groups, change of sequence and selection. Video (20151002) |
Links between charts are on focus. We consider the questions on creation, editing and removal of links between charts. The links between charts allow to tie, for example, one event to the several natal charts. Video (20151002) |
Chart protection is on focus. We consider the options of natal/event chart protection from change of data and, first of all, date/time and time offsets. Video (20151002) |
Button types are on focus. We consider the groups and options of buttons used in Galaxy programs. Video (20151002) |
We turn on objects of charts. We consider the questions to turn on objects (planets, asteroids, points and cusps) of a chart for different operating modes and astrological tools. Video (20151002) |
Menu of tools is on focus. We consider the different types of the menu and their use in work are considered. Video (20151002) |
Operating modes of Charts are on focus. We consider the questions how to use different operating modes of this program. Video (20151002) |
Astrological charts are on focus. We consider the questions connected to displaying astrological charts and their elements. Video (20151002) |
Toolbars. We consider toolbars and their adjusting for effective work in programs of the Galaxy environment. Video (20151002) |
Getting familiar with the multifunction panel. We consider the questions on control of configuration and use. Video (20151002) |
Learning lists of charts and astrological instruments. We consider the questions how to use a list of charts and astrological instruments in the astrologer’s work. Video (20151002) |
Work with astrological parameters of the chart objects. We consider the questions how to use multifunctional panel tool: astrological parameters for the effective astrologer’s work. Video (20151002) |
Work with the aspects. We consider the questions how to use complete information on aspects between chart objects by means of the multifunction panel tool: aspects for effective astrologer’s work. Video (20151002) |
Work with a domification table. We consider the questions how to use multi-functional panel tool: domification (theme of houses, cusps, control and their position in the signs and houses) for the effective astrologer’s work. Video (20151002) |
Work with an optional tool. We consider the questions how to use multi-function panel optional tool extending the possibility of obtaining further information on natal/event chart. Video (20151002) |
Study the interpretation of chart objects. We consider the questions of creation and use of the chart object text interpretation. It shows the difference in the interpretation of the natal and event objects. Video (20151002) |
Obtaining additional information on a chart. We consider the questions how to get more information about scalable astrological tools and use of the given date/time to generate a chart. Video (20151002) |
Work with time points. We consider work with time points to ensure efficient astrologer’s operation in the rectification/prediction process. Video (20151002) |
Take notes in a notebook. We consider work with a built-in notepad in Galaxy programs. Video (20151002) |
Standard screens of Galaxy software. We consider the standard screens that are common to all programs Galaxy: view of settings and control of issues, news and obtaining information about the program with access to related sites. Video (20151002) |
Change chart time. The options for changing the chart time in Galaxy programs are considered. Video (20170719) |