Aspectarium - Aspect Analyzer (Galaxy.Aspectarium)

Aspectarium - Aspect Analyzer Astrological program Aspectarium (Galaxy.Aspectarium) is a specialized astrological program that allows you to work with aspects as elements (atoms) of charts. Aspects mean not only angular aspects, groups of parallels or antises, but also aspects to a selected point, ingressions, as connections with the initial degree of a sign or house, as well as connections with points of change of direction.

Yes, almost all programs work with aspects, but how they work and what they do depends heavily on the essence of the program. Many astrologers are accustomed to disassemble the elements of astrological charts to bricks, to atoms, consider tables with individual elements, since their programs or those programs on which they were taught do not have the ability and ability to analyze. It may be right to study, but still the ultimate goal of an astrologer is the synthesis of a horoscope and the reconstruction of the picture as a whole, and not its decomposition. Therefore, Galaxy programs allow you to get the final, generalized version of any analysis. But here's how they do it, for many it seems to be a "black box". This is correct, because there is no need, having a program, to perform complex calculations or carry out time-consuming analyzes yourself, especially since many do not have such knowledge and do not represent how to do it.

Numerous representations of objects and points of the map with their aspects, allows the astrologer to immerse yourself deeply into the world of aspects and the map itself, reduce the time of analysis and search for the necessary points. All this is aspectarium.

Like all galaxy astrological programs, Aspectarium received many advantages from of the Galaxy astrological programs and is capable of interacting with it.

Additional information about program

Unique features of Aspectarium

Astrological program Aspectarium is a unique program in the market of astrological programs, since it is a specialized program for the search for various kinds of phenomena in their various combinations in the following modes of work:

Phenomena are understood as the following:

What unique features distinguish the Aspectarium program?

Let's dwell on the brightest:

Groups and Lines in the results of the search for phenomena

It is important to understand the essence that the search results are represented by groups and lines: The search results are presented in groups and lines:

Functional capabilities Aspectarium

Operating modes
  • Transit phenomena (without taking into account Natal);
  • Event phenomena (taking into account Natal).
Search modes
  • Aspects to objects;
  • Aspects to the point;
  • Objects of objects;
  • Position of the objects;
  • Direction of the movement of objects.
Multimode Multimode is available only if there is a module Multimode search for phenomena. This module allows you to create complex options for searching for phenomena with displaying results in many groups. Without this module, a simultaneous search is possible in only one search mode.
Work with charts
  • Single transit chart;
  • Couple of charts to search for phenomena in relation to Natal.
Astrological tools
  • Transits
  • Progressions of various kinds;
  • Directorate of various kinds.
Supported planes
  • Ecliptic;
  • Equator.
Supported houses 24 systems of houses, including 14 of the most common and 10 modern.
Zodiac type Tropical - counting from the point of Aries (spring equinox)
Work with aspects works with any aspects, including:
  • parallels and counter -les;
  • antis and contrantis;
  • etc.
Work with objects
  • Septener's planets;
  • Higher planets;
  • Planetoids (asteroids);
  • Lunar nodes (true and medium);
  • Fictive planets, points and antisa.
Support for turning on objects in the charts
  • unsubstantiated;
  • displayed;
  • cross-list;
  • fully aspects.
Loading and saving cards Work with an unlimited number of data banks and an unlimited structure of the Bank itself
Support for time points Unlimited number of time points
Support for the dynamics of charts Support for the dynamics of charts of an external chart with various astrological tools.
Calculation of the temporary amendment Taking into account alternative sources
Coordinates of the settlements More than 16 thousand settlements (in the Locator program more than 3.5 million throughout the globe)
Chart these protection Chart data protection from random changes
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Screenshots and their brief description

to view large-sized pictures, just click on the picture with the mouse.

Entering data

Aspectarium. Chart data entry screen Important! Work on the creation, editing, saving, loading of charts, etc., is similar to all Galaxy programs that work with charts. This is standard programs Charts screens.
Aspectarium. The mode of operation is transit phenomena The mode of operation is transit phenomena.
Single transit charts for the search for phenomena are involved in this mode of work.
Aspectarium.The mode of operation is event phenomena The mode of operation is event phenomena.
Double charts are involved in this mode:
  • internal - natal chart of the querent;
  • external - an event chart with a selected astrological tool.
All phenomena are calculated in relation to the natal chart.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Search mode - aspects for objects Entering additional data. Search mode - aspects for objects.
Parting groups of objects:
  • receptors - aspect objects - natal objects in `Event phenomena` or objects of transit chart in the` transit phenomena`;
  • promissors - aspective objects - Objects of the event chart in the `event phenomena 'mode or objects of transit chart in the`transit phenomena' mode.
Objects can be chosen both separately and by the group:
  • septener - turn on only septener objects;
  • according to the tool - turn on the objects, according to the aspects included in the choice of objects used for the selected tool;
  • according to the topic of the event - to include objects, according to the topic of the house specified in the event. It is important to understand that thematic objects-permissors are calculated dynamically according to the settings of thematic objects and additional conditions in PreSetter.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Search mode - aspects to the point Entering additional data. Search mode - aspects to the point.
Parting groups:
  • objects - objects of the event card in the `event phenomena` mode or objects of transit chart in the `transit phenomena' mode;
  • points - specified points in the natal chart in `Event phenomena` or transit chart in the `transit phenomena` mode;
The points are set by zodiac longitude - a degree of 1 to 30 and a zodiac sign.
You can set the N-th number of points.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Search mode - objects of objects Entering additional data. Search mode - objects of objects.
Parting groups:
  • objects - objects of the event chart in the `event phenomena` mode or objects of transit chart in the `transit phenomena` mode;
  • Ingression in the zone (zodiac sign, a given house or user point).
Ingression zones:
  • zodiac sign - a zodiac sign is set;
  • given house - a cusp is set at home;
  • point - set by zodiac longitude - degrees from 1 to 30 and the zodiac sign.
You can set the N-th number of inrgesses.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Search mode is the position of objects Entering additional data. Search mode is the position of objects.
Search for periods of finding objects in the zones:
  • sector longitudes;;
  • sign;
  • house.
Parting groups:
  • objects - objects of the event card in the `event phenomena` mode or objects of transit chart in the `transit phenomena' mode;
  • zones (long -term sector, zodiac sign or house).
Aspectarium.Entering additional data. Search mode - direction of movement of objects Entering additional data. Search mode - direction of movement of objects.
Parting groups:
  • objects - objects of the event card in the `event phenomena` mode or objects of transit chart in the `transit phenomena' mode;
  • direction of movement (directive, retrograde or stationary).
Direction of movement:
  • direct movement of the object (D);
  • retrograde (backward) movement of the object (R);
  • stationary position of the object (S).
The speed of the object can be set in the form:
  • relative (in % of the maximum) from -100 to +105 in steps in 1 %.
  • absolute (in degrees per day) from -19 to +19 in steps in 1/10000.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Search mode - objects without the course Entering additional data. Search mode - objects without the course.
Important! This search mode is available only in the `transit phenomena`!
The search for periods of finding the object without the course, taking into account:
  • aspecting objects;
  • specified aspects.
Parting groups:
  • objects - objects of a transit chart;
  • aspect objects (only Septener`s planets and septener with higher planets);
  • specified aspects (major, major and main minor, major and minor).
Considered aspect objects:
  • only Septener`s planets;
  • Septener planets with senior planets.
Considered aspects:
  • major - 0, 60, 90, 120 and 180;
  • major and main minor - 0, 45, 60, 90, 120 135 and 180;
  • major and minor - 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 135, 150 and 180.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Astrological tools Entering additional data. Astrological tools
Important! In the mode of operation, `transit phenomena` astrological tools are not available, since the `transit` tool is automatically set.
In `Event phenomena`, all astrological tools are available from the Galaxy prognostic tools: directions and progressions.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Accounting of aspects Entering additional data. Accounting of aspects.
Important! Data for the input of aspects are available only for search modes:
  • aspects to objects;
  • aspects to the point.
The selector of the modifier of the type of aspects:
  • any - removes the modifier of the type of aspect. Allows you to look for aspects of any kind;
  • forming aspects (117>120) - sets the modifier of the forming aspects. Allows you to look for only forming aspects;
  • decaying aspects (120>123) - sets the modifier of decaying aspects. Allows you to look for only decaying aspects.
The selector of the phase of the aspects:
  • any - removes the phase of the aspect. Allows you to look for aspects of any phases;
  • diverging aspects (0>60>90>120>180) - sets the modifier of diverging aspects. Allows you to look for only diverging aspects;
  • converging aspects (180>120>90>60>0) - sets the modifier of converging aspects. Allows you to look for only converging aspects.
The selector of the modifier of the position of aspects:
  • in plane - sets the search for aspects in the plane of the ecliptic;
  • mundan - sets the search for mundan aspects taking into account equatorial latitudes and long-term.
The selector of the Aspect accuracy modifier:
  • according to orbis - sets the search for aspects taking into account the orbis specified in PreSetter;
  • accurate - sets the search for aspects taking into account the exact orbis specified in PreSetter;
  • partil - sets the search for partil aspects (with objects in the same degrees);
  • exacts - sets the search for aspects without taking into account orbis.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Additional parameters Entering additional data. Additional parameters.
Additional parameters allow you to set:
  • the position of the observer;
  • Order axis (Y);
  • display of results with color;
  • display of the date-time in the UTC or taking into account the waist amendment;
  • selector of the selection of a system of houses.
The observer position selector:
  • topocentric - allows you to look for phenomena taking into account the location of the observer. The place of the observer is understood as the place of the event;
  • geocentric - allows you to look for phenomena without taking into account the location of the observer. In this case, the place is taken as the center of the Earth.
The selector of the selection of the Order axis (Y). The abscissa axis (X) always uses the scale of the date-time, but the order axis can take various options:
  • promissor - allows you to display along the axis objects-permissors;
  • receptor - allows you to display on the Y axis objects-receptors;
  • object - allows you to display on the Y axis. This option may be the only one if the search for ingresses, the position of objects, the position of the objects, directions of movement or objects without the course;
  • aspect - allows you to display the aspects on the Y axis.
Important! This parameter is necessary due to the fact that several objects or aspects can be used in one group. And to distinguish them, this parameter is used. For example, when the major aspects from the Sun to the planets of Septener, You can set either a `receptor`, or `aspect` and thus facilitate the distinction between the results. This parameter can be used paired with a color parameter.
The selector of the display of the result with color:
  • promissor - allows you to display the graphic periods of the result with the color of the object-processor;
  • receptor - allows you to display graphic periods of the result with the color of an object-receptor;
  • object - allows you to display the graphic periods of the result with the color of the object. This option may be the only one if the searches for ingresses, the position of objects, direction of movement or objects without the course are performed;
  • aspect - allows the graphic periods to display the result by the color of the aspect.
The selector of the display of the date-time allows you to set the display of the time for both UTC and taking into account the waist amendment.

The selector of the selection of a system of houses. Sets the system of houses for the group.
Important! Since in one calculation in several groups, you can set different systems of houses, then the choice of these systems affects only the calculations and display of results and does not affect global attitudes.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Information on the search conditions Entering additional data. Information on the search conditions.
On this screen, in aggregated form, an infomination is presented according to the selected mode of operation, the mode and search conditions, as well as the additional data necessary to display the results on the screen.
Aspectarium. Entering additional data. Multimode Entering additional data. Multimode.
Important! Data for entering on this page is available only if there is a module `multimode searching phenomena`!
Multimode allows you to create search groups that can contain not only different search modes, but also their various conditions. Those at the same time, various search modes can be displayed on the screen screen, which cannot be made without this multimode. In addition, from this screen you can save and upload the created search groups for subsequent work. Which greatly facilitates the search for phenomena.
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Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects

Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Information on the search conditions Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Information on the search conditions.
The result of the search is aspects between objects.
Depending on the mode of operation, the aspects of aspects between the objects are carried out:
  • transit phenomena - aspects between objects of a transit chart;
  • сevent phenomena - aspects from the objects of the event chart for the selected tool to objects of the natal chart of the base tool.
On this screen, in aggregated form, an infomination is presented according to the selected mode of operation, the mode and search conditions, as well as the additional data necessary to display the results on the screen.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Scaling periods Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Scaling periods.
After obtaining the results of the search for phenomena in a given period, you can scale the rear periods and thereby increase the scale of display of the results. Those displaying the reduced period (part of the period under consideration), You can increase the display of the result of the result on the graph. Thus, by increasing the scale of display, you can more accurately set the cursor on the resulting graphics.
The scaling of the period is drawn with the clamping of the right mouse button and dragging the mouse cursor to the right to increase the mashstab of the display. While dragging the highlighted scalable period is painted with a shade of red. And after the scaling, the increased subordiod is displayed at the bottom of the screen with a shade of red, showing which part of the scalable period is displayed on the screen.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Scaling the search period of aspects Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Scaling the search period of aspects.
A return to the initial period under consideration is made when pressing a button displayed by groups at the bottom of the screen, next to the temporary period and a temporary point.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Information on the point of time Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Information on the point of time.
Depending on the search mode, from this screen you can see accurate representations of the date-time of the search results of a phenomenon selected on the screen in the group and the line with the left mouse button. Those when clicking the left mouse button on the screen, the cursor will be displayed in the form of a vertical and horizontal line. And if the result of the search (phenomenon) is displayed at the place of intersection of the cursor lines, then the exact periods of the specified phenomenon will be displayed in the list to the left of the groups.
Since the vertical line (cursor of the date-time) - crosses all groups and lines, then all phenomena will be displayed on the list on the indicated date and time. But depending on whether they are included in the same group and whether the horizontal line falls on the phenomenon, the recordings in the list will be displayed by different colors:
  • green color - the cursor intersection point is on the specified phenomenon and the period of this phenomenon is highlighted in green;
  • yellow color - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of the current group (the current group is distinguished by a red frame) and these periods of these phenomena are highlighted in yellow;
  • white color (without backlighting) - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of other groups. All phenomena at the indicated date-time cursor fall on the list, but are not distinguished by color.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. The mode of operation is transit phenomena. Chart and aspects for the schedule Data analysis. The mode of operation is transit phenomena. Chart and aspects for the schedule.
On this screen you can see the chart and its aspects for the date of the date-time under the cursor. Those by clicking with the left button on the screen with the search results, we set the date point time under the cursor and for this temporary point we see a single transit chart with aspects inside the chart.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. The mode of operation is event phenomena. Chart and aspects for the schedule Data analysis. The mode of operation is event phenomena. Chart and aspects for the schedule.
On this screen you can see the chart and its aspects for the date of the date-time under the cursor. Those by clicking with the left button on the screen with the search results, we set the date point time under the cursor and for this temporary point we see a double chart with a cross-institute from the event chart and the selected astrological inspection to the natal chart.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Temporary points Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Temporary points.
From this screen you can create, restore, save, load and display the temporary points created by the user during operation. The mechanism of time points allows you to quickly return to the desired date-time, which were preserved during operation. In addition, saved temporary points can be transferred to another program for the subsequent analysis of phenomena.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Display settings Data analysis. Search mode - aspects for objects. Display settings.
On this screen, settings are set (preserved) inherent only in this program for permanent storage and use. For example, one of the phenomena may be the ingresses of Objects to the signs of the zodiac. And since ingression is not a period, but one moment, then on the graph such phenomens cannot be displayed in the form of lines, but are displayed in the form of circles of a given radius so that these moments can be seen on the graph.
To change the settings, you must perform actions:
  • press the button with a picture of a red lock, to enter the editing mode;
  • click twice in the table by value (value) of a specific setting;
  • change the selected setting;
  • press the button with a picture of the white lock to get out of the editing mode.
When you maintain the settings, you can immediately see its action on the schedule of search results.
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Datata analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point

Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Information on the search conditions Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Information on the search conditions.
The result of the search is aspects from objects to points.
Depending on the operating mode, the aspects are searched between objects and specified points:
  • transit phenomena - aspects between objects and specified points of the transit chart;
  • event phenomena - aspects from the objects of the event chart for the selected tool to the specified points of the natal chart.
On this screen, in aggregated form, an infomination is presented according to the selected mode of operation, the mode and search conditions, as well as the additional data necessary to display the results on the screen.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Scaling the search period of aspects Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Scaling the search period of aspects.
After obtaining the results of the search for phenomena in a given period, you can scale the rear periods and thereby increase the scale of display of the results. Those. displaying the reduced period (part of the period under consideration), You can increase the display of the result of the result on the graph. Thus, by increasing the scale of display, you can more accurately set the cursor on the resulting graphics.
The scaling of the period is drawn with the clamping of the right mouse button and dragging the mouse cursor to the right to increase the mashstab of the display. While dragging the highlighted scalable period is painted with a shade of red. And after the scaling, the increased subordiod is displayed at the bottom of the screen with a shade of red, showing which part of the scalable period is displayed on the screen.
A return to the initial period under consideration is made when you press the button, displayed water in groups at the bottom of the screen, next to the time period and a temporary point.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Information on the point of time Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Information on the point of time.
Depending on the search mode, from this screen you can see accurate representations of the date-time of the search results of a phenomenon selected on the screen in the group and the line with the left mouse button. Those when clicking the left mouse button on the screen, the cursor will be displayed in the form of a vertical and horizontal line. And if the result of the search (phenomenon) is displayed at the place of intersection of the cursor lines, then the exact periods of the specified phenomenon will be displayed in the list to the left of the groups.
Since the vertical line (cursor of the date-time) - crosses all groups and lines, then all phenomena will be displayed on the list on the indicated date and time. But depending on whether they are included in the same group and whether the horizontal line falls on the phenomenon, the recordings in the list will be displayed by different colors:
  • green color - the cursor intersection point is on the specified phenomenon and the period of this phenomenon is highlighted in green;
  • yellow color - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of the current group (the current group is distinguished by a red frame) and these periods of these phenomena are highlighted in yellow;
  • white color (without backlighting) - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of other groups. All phenomena at the indicated date-time cursor fall on the list, but are not distinguished by color.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Chart and aspects for the schedule Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Chart and aspects for the schedule.
On this screen you can see the chart and its aspects for the date of the date-time under the cursor. Those. By clicking the left mouse button on the screen with the search results, we set the date of the date-time under the cursor and we see the chart for this temporary point. Depending on the mode of operation, it may be displayed:
  • either a single transit chart with aspects inside the chart;
  • either a double chart with a cross-institute from the event chart and the selected astrological inspection to the natal chart.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Temporary points Data analysis. Search mode - aspects to the point. Temporary points.
From this screen you can create, restore, save, load and display the temporary points created by the user during operation. The mechanism of time points allows you to quickly return to the desired date-time, which were preserved during operation. In addition, saved temporary points can be transferred to another program for the subsequent analysis of phenomena.
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Data analysis. Search mode - ingression of objects

Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - objects of objects. Information on the search conditions Data analysis. Search mode - objects of objects. Information on the search conditions.
The search for the ingresses of objects in:
  • zodiac sign;
  • given house;
  • point specified by the user.
Depending on the mode of operation, the search for the points of ingress is made:
  • transit phenomena - ingressions of objects in a transit chart;
  • event phenomena - ingressions of an event chart for the selected tool in the natal chart zone.
On this screen, in aggregated form, an infomination is presented according to the selected mode of operation, the mode and search conditions, as well as the additional data necessary to display the results on the screen.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - objects of objects. Information on the point of time Data analysis. Search mode - objects of objects. Information on the point of time.
Depending on the search mode, from this screen you can see accurate representations of the date-time of the search results of a phenomenon selected on the screen in the group and the line with the left mouse button. Those when clicking the left mouse button on the screen, the cursor will be displayed in the form of a vertical and horizontal line. And if the result of the search (phenomenon) is displayed at the place of intersection of the cursor lines, then the exact periods of the specified phenomenon will be displayed in the list to the left of the groups.
Since the vertical line (cursor of the date-time) - crosses all groups and lines, then all phenomena will be displayed on the list on the indicated date and time. But depending on whether they are included in the same group and whether the horizontal line falls on the phenomenon, the recordings in the list will be displayed by different colors:
  • green color - the cursor intersection point is on the specified phenomenon and the period of this phenomenon is highlighted in green;
  • yellow color - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of the current group (the current group is distinguished by a red frame) and these periods of these phenomena are highlighted in yellow;
  • white color (without backlighting) - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of other groups. All phenomena at the indicated date-time cursor fall on the list, but are not distinguished by color.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - objects of objects. Chart and aspects for the schedule Data analysis. Search mode - objects of objects. Chart and aspects for the schedule.
On this screen you can see the chart and its aspects for the date of the date-time under the cursor. Those. By clicking the left mouse button on the screen with the search results, we set the date of the date-time under the cursor and we see the map for this temporary point. Depending on the mode of operation, it may be displayed:
  • either a single transit chart with aspects inside the chart;
  • either a double chart with a cross-institute from the event chart and the selected astrological inspection to the natal chart.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - objects of objects. Temporary points Data analysis. Search mode - objects of objects. Temporary points.
From this screen you can create, restore, save, load and display the temporary points created by the user during operation. The mechanism of time points allows you to quickly return to the desired date-time, which were preserved during operation. In addition, saved temporary points can be transferred to another program for the subsequent analysis of phenomena.
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Data analysis. Search mode - position of objects

Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode is the position of objects. Information on the search conditions Data analysis. Search mode is the position of objects. Information on the search conditions.
Search for periods of finding objects in the zones:
  • sector longitudes;
  • sign;
  • house.
Depending on the mode of operation, the search for periods of finding objects in the zones is carried out:
  • transit phenomena - objects in zones of transit chart;
  • event phenomena - object objects for the selected tool in the areas of the natal chart.
On this screen, in aggregated form, an infomination is presented according to the selected mode of operation, the mode and search conditions, as well as the additional data necessary to display the results on the screen.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode is the position of objects. Information on the point of time Data analysis. Search mode is the position of objects. Information on the point of time.
Depending on the search mode, from this screen you can see accurate representations of the date-time of the search results of a phenomenon selected on the screen in the group and the line with the left mouse button. Those when clicking the left mouse button on the screen, the cursor will be displayed in the form of a vertical and horizontal line. And if the result of the search (phenomenon) is displayed at the place of intersection of the cursor lines, then the exact periods of the specified phenomenon will be displayed in the list to the left of the groups.
Since the vertical line (cursor of the date-time) - crosses all groups and lines, then all phenomena will be displayed on the list on the indicated date and time. But depending on whether they are included in the same group and whether the horizontal line falls on the phenomenon, the recordings in the list will be displayed by different colors:
  • green color - the cursor intersection point is on the specified phenomenon and the period of this phenomenon is highlighted in green;
  • yellow color - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of the current group (the current group is distinguished by a red frame) and these periods of these phenomena are highlighted in yellow;
  • white color (without backlighting) - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of other groups. All phenomena at the indicated date-time cursor fall on the list, but are not distinguished by color.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode is the position of objects. Chart and aspects for the schedule Data analysis. Search mode is the position of objects. Chart and aspects for the schedule.
On this screen you can see the chart and its aspects for the date of the date-time under the cursor. Those. By clicking the left mouse button on the screen with the search results, we set the date of the date-time under the cursor and we see the map for this temporary point. Depending on the mode of operation, it may be displayed:
  • either a single transit chart with aspects inside the chart;
  • either a double chart with a cross-institute from the event chart and the selected astrological inspection to the natal chart.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode is the position of objects. Temporary points Data analysis. Search mode is the position of objects. Temporary points.
From this screen you can create, restore, save, load and display the temporary points created by the user during operation. The mechanism of time points allows you to quickly return to the desired date-time, which were preserved during operation. In addition, saved temporary points can be transferred to another program for the subsequent analysis of phenomena.
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Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects

Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects. Information on the search conditions Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects. Information on the search conditions.
The search for periods of finding objects in:
  • direct (direct) movement (D);
  • retrograde (backward) movement (R);
  • stationar (S).
Depending on the mode of operation, the search periods are made:
  • transit phenomena - transit chart objects;
  • event phenomena - objects of an event chart for the selected tool.
On this screen, in aggregated form, an infomination is presented according to the selected mode of operation, the mode and search conditions, as well as the additional data necessary to display the results on the screen.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects. Information on the point of time Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects. Information on the point of time.
Depending on the search mode, from this screen you can see accurate representations of the date-time of the search results of a phenomenon selected on the screen in the group and the line with the left mouse button. Those when clicking the left mouse button on the screen, the cursor will be displayed in the form of a vertical and horizontal line. And if the result of the search (phenomenon) is displayed at the place of intersection of the cursor lines, then the exact periods of the specified phenomenon will be displayed in the list to the left of the groups.
Since the vertical line (cursor of the date-time) - crosses all groups and lines, then all phenomena will be displayed on the list on the indicated date and time. But depending on whether they are included in the same group and whether the horizontal line falls on the phenomenon, the recordings in the list will be displayed by different colors:
  • green color - the cursor intersection point is on the specified phenomenon and the period of this phenomenon is highlighted in green;
  • yellow color - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of the current group (the current group is distinguished by a red frame) and these periods of these phenomena are highlighted in yellow;
  • white color (without backlighting) - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of other groups. All phenomena at the indicated date-time cursor fall on the list, but are not distinguished by color.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects. Chart and aspects for the schedule Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects. Chart and aspects for the schedule.
On this screen you can see the chart and its aspects for the date of the date-time under the cursor. Those by clicking the left mouse button on the screen with the search results, we set the date of the date-time under the cursor and we see the chart for this temporary point. Depending on the mode of operation, it may be displayed:
  • either a single transit chart with aspects inside the chart;
  • either a double chart with a cross-institute from the event chart and the selected astrological inspection to the natal chart.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects. Temporary points Data analysis. Search mode - direction of movement of objects. Temporary points.
From this screen you can create, restore, save, load and display the temporary points created by the user during operation. The mechanism of time points allows you to quickly return to the desired date-time, which were preserved during operation. In addition, saved temporary points can be transferred to another program for the subsequent analysis of phenomena.
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Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course

Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course. Information on the search conditions Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course. Information on the search conditions.
Important! This search mode is available only in `transit phenomena mode - transit chart objects`!
The search for periods of finding the object without the course, taking into account:
  • aspecting objects;
  • specified aspects.
On this screen, in aggregated form, an infomination is presented according to the selected mode of operation, the mode and search conditions, as well as the additional data necessary to display the results on the screen.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course. Information on the point of time Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course. Information on the point of time.
Depending on the search mode, from this screen you can see accurate representations of the date-time of the search results of a phenomenon selected on the screen in the group and the line with the left mouse button. Those when clicking the left mouse button on the screen, the cursor will be displayed in the form of a vertical and horizontal line. And if the result of the search (phenomenon) is displayed at the place of intersection of the cursor lines, then the exact periods of the specified phenomenon will be displayed in the list to the left of the groups.
Since the vertical line (cursor of the date-time) - crosses all groups and lines, then all phenomena will be displayed on the list on the indicated date and time. But depending on whether they are included in the same group and whether the horizontal line falls on the phenomenon, the recordings in the list will be displayed by different colors:
  • green color - the cursor intersection point is on the specified phenomenon and the period of this phenomenon is highlighted in green;
  • yellow color - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of the current group (the current group is distinguished by a red frame) and these periods of these phenomena are highlighted in yellow;
  • white color (without backlighting) - the vertical line crosses all the phenomena of other groups. All phenomena at the indicated date-time cursor fall on the list, but are not distinguished by color.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course. Chart and aspects for the schedule Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course. Chart and aspects for the schedule.
On this screen you can see the chart and its aspects for the date of the date-time under the cursor. Those. By clicking the left mouse button on the screen with the search results, we set the date of the date-time under the cursor and we see the map for this temporary point. Depending on the mode of operation, it may be displayed:
  • either a single transit chart with aspects inside the chart;
  • either a double chart with a cross-institute from the event chart and the selected astrological inspection to the natal chart.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course. Temporary points Data analysis. Search mode - objects without the course. Temporary points.
From this screen you can create, restore, save, load and display the temporary points created by the user during operation. The mechanism of time points allows you to quickly return to the desired date-time, which were preserved during operation. In addition, saved temporary points can be transferred to another program for the subsequent analysis of phenomena.
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Examples and reports

Aspectarium. Data analysis. Example of position of Lilith Data analysis. Example of position of Lilith.
An example of the position of the true Black Moon is Lilith in the signs of the zodiac.
Aspectarium. Data analysis. Example of scaling of period for position of Lilith Data analysis. Example of scaling of period for position of Lilith.
An example of the scaling of the period for the position of the true Black Moon is Lilith in the signs of the zodiac.
Aspectarium. Reports of work results. Document report in RTF format Reports of work results. Document report in RTF format.
The document contains:
  • Initial data for the search for phenomena;
  • column `Phenomenon`. It contains a brief description of the phenomenon, which corresponds to the initial data entered from the screen input of additional data;
  • column `DTS` - date-time of the beginning of the phenomenon;
  • column `DTE` - data-time ending of ending the phenomenon;
  • column `Line-Group` - contain the group number and lines to which this phenomenon belongs;
  • column `Accuracy` - in the form of symbols `+` and ` -` in this column, the accuracy with which the period of this phenomenon was obtained is displayed. `-` means that it was not possible to achieve the accuracy of obtaining a phenomenon, since there was no sufficient converging. But this does not mean at all that these results cannot be used, because it was simply not possible to achieve accuracy of 1 second.
Aspectarium. Reports of work results. Report of the spreadsheet in XLS format Reports of work results. Report of the spreadsheet in XLS format.
It is similar to the report in RTF format, except that the spreadsheet does not have a description of the source data.
Aspectarium. Reports of work results. A picture of all groups Reports of work results. A picture of all groups.
Allows you to photograph the entire screen with the results of the work (all groups). If the multimode module is not available, then this item turns into the previous one, with one group, since you can get the results with several groups only if there is a multimode module.
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