MedicalPoint Astrological Program - Medical Astrology (Galaxy.MedicalPoint)
The astrological program MedicalPoint (Galaxy.MedicalPoint) is the entry point into a large branch of astrology called Medical Astrology. Medical astrology - This is a set of knowledge acquired through practical study of the influence of planets and stars on human health. Unlike alternative medicine, medical astrology pays great attention not only to the physical body, but also to the mental (mental), etheric (energy) and astral (emotional) bodies. Traditional medical astrology, which came to us from time immemorial, is fundamentally different from modern one, in which astrology and medicine are separate directions from each other. The basis of traditional medical astrology is humors associated with the elements.
Medical astrology of the MedicalPoint program in no way replaces or competes with alternative (modern) medicine. It, like a different opinion of another attending physician, is intended to complement the overall picture, show another side of the same process, provide alternative information that will help make the correct diagnosis and, ultimately, rid a person of the disease.
To use the program, it is desirable to have knowledge in the field of medicine!
It is not recommended to use the program for people who are sensitive and susceptible to psychological influence, so as not to program themselves for imaginary illnesses!
In MedicalPoint, as in Horus, different directions and methodologies of medical astrology are squeezed into a Procrustean bed, so that everyone can work with the material familiar to them. Combining incompatible things is quite difficult, but with the help of additional settings this became possible.
The MedicalPoint medical astrology program itself consists of a shell and expansion modules:
- shell contains:
- medical graphic atlas of human organs and systems;
- medical encyclopedia and other medical reference books.
- extension modules:
- diagnosis of diseases - diagnosing illnesses, diseases and painful conditions;
- prediction of illnesses - forecasting of intense (critical) periods of illnesses, illnesses and painful conditions;
- phytotherapy (disease prevention) - prevention of diseases, diseases and painful conditions using traditional folk medicine recipes based on the use of plants.
Additional information about program
Unique features of MedicalPoint
The astrological program MedicalPoint is a unique program on the market of astrological programs, since until today, in the field of medicine, astrologers used universal programs, who do not have the same specialization as MedicalPoint. Universal programs build natal charts, event charts for prognosis, and then astrologers resort to reference materials to find strong evil planets, including Anti-Hileg, with their further comparison by human organs and systems in order to to determine possible exposure to disease. Thus, constructing charts is only a small part of the work that an astrologer does in the field of medicine, and everything else falls on his knowledge, experience and a lot of reference materials. With the advent of MedicalPoint, the work of an astrologer in such a complex area as medical astrology, will be significantly simplified, freeing up time for analysis and fine-tuning.
What unique features set MedicalPoint apart? Let's look at the brightest ones:
- automatic calculation of the strength of evil and good planets to identify Anti-Hileg and Hileg, which indicate possible diseases and the strength of the body, respectively;
- additional manual adjustment of the strength of the planets depending on the aspects and experience of the astrologer;
- use of stars and nebulae, taking into account epigonal planets;
- automatic comparison of planets with organs, systems, illnesses, illnesses and painful conditions;
- automatic aggregation of information on organs and diseases, depending on planets, signs, houses, and aspects;
- comparison of planets with plants and recipes for disease prevention;
- taking into account the degrees of the zodiac and comparing the planets in degrees with organs and diseases;
- prediction of diseases taking into account tense aspects with evil and associated planets with information aggregation;
- graphical presentation of forecast results to identify busy periods;
- integration with all Galaxy programs and use of all features, inherent in the space of Galaxy astrological programs.
MedicalPoint functionality
Operating modes |
- diagnosis of diseases
- prediction of diseases;
- disease prevention (herbal medicine).
Astrological tools |
- Transits
- Progressions of various types;
- Directions of various types.
Working with charts |
- Single natal chart for diagnosis and prevention of diseases;
- A pair of charts for predicting diseases.
Supported planes |
- ecliptic for planets, stars, nebulae and parses;
- horizon for horoscope houses.
Supported house systems |
24 house systems, including 14 most common and 10 modern |
Zodiac View |
Tropical - counting from the point of Aries (vernal equinox) |
Working with aspects |
works with any aspect, including:
- parallels and counterparallels;
- antis and counterantis;
- etc.
Working with objects |
- Septenary planets;
- Higher planets;
- Planetoids (asteroids);
- Lunar nodes (true and average);
- Stars and nebulae;
- Fictitious planets, points, parses, antises, etc.
Support for schemes for including objects in charts |
- not displayed;
- displayed;
- cross-aspected;
- fully aspected.
Loading and saving charts |
work with an unlimited number of data banks and an unlimited structure of the bank itself |
Support for time points |
unlimited number of time points |
Support for chart dynamics |
dynamics of an external chart for predicting diseases with various astrological tools |
Calculation of time correction |
taking into account alternative sources |
Directory of coordinates of settlements |
More than 16 thousand settlements (in the Locator program there are more than 3.5 million around the globe) |
Chart data protection |
protect chart data from accidental changes |
Additional settings |
many settings that ensure compatibility between different astrological schools for working in the field of medical astrology. |
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Screenshots and their brief description
To view large pictures, just click on the picture.
Program shell
All screens for data entry, saving and loading charts, selecting a locality are completely identical to the screens of the Charts program.
Medical atlas. View information
This page presents a medical atlas of systems and organs. Using a search engine, you can easily find any term presented in the atlas and view it in different diagrams. Terms presented in the diagrams are numbered and these numbers correspond to the numbers in the tables. Table columns can be sorted both by terms and by numbers. Terms can be displayed on a diagram. In this way, the final drawing can be prepared for further use.
Medical atlas. Search for information
Since there is quite a lot of information (systems, pages and terms), the program has an advanced search system, which allows you to search for both terms and phrases, both throughout the atlas and on specific system pages, which greatly facilitates the search for the necessary information.
Medical encyclopedia. View information
The program contains a lot of reference information, both in the form of separate reference books and in the form of a medical encyclopedia. Since the total number of articles is quite large for the program, then there is a search system that will make it easier to find the information you need.
Medical encyclopedia. Search for information
Since there is quite a lot of medical information, the program has an advanced search system that allows you to search for both terms and phrases, both in all reference materials and in individual reference books, which greatly facilitates the search for the necessary information. If the necessary information is not found or the information found is not complete enough, you can search the Internet using the built-in text, image or video search system.
About screen
"About" screen with information about the user and communication with the developer. When you press the floating key on the screen, a context menu opens to access thematic pages of the Galaxy programs website.
Program settings
The program settings page contains settings that affect:
- calculation of the strength of the planets’ evil to determine Anti-Hileg (the strongest evil planet - the point of vulnerability of the body) and Hileg (the strongest good planet - the point of human health);
- calculation of lots (pars) of Disease and Health, indicating the weak and strong points of the body;
- calculation of planetary weights for diagnosing and predicting diseases;
- disease prognosis;
- display information;
- etc.
Each setting has a short description that helps in understanding the essence of this setting.
The power of chart objects
The strength of chart objects allows you to rank chart objects for subsequent work. The strength of objects is a key task in identifying the strongest evil planet (AntiHileg - the point of vulnerability of the body) and the strongest good planet (Hileg - the point of human health). AntiHileg and Hileg are displayed in the table with the letters "A" and "H" respectively.
The calculation and ranking process is implemented in the disease diagnosis module. If this module is not purchased, then the user is given the opportunity to determine the strength and evil of the planets himself in order to identify organs and processes that are vulnerable to illnesses, diseases and painful conditions of the body.
Selection of astrological tools
Astrological tools are used to predict illnesses and determine the most stressful periods. On this screen the user chooses what tools to use in forecasting.
Traditionally, in medical astrology, transits and directions are used to predict diseases, for which there are descriptions of charged aspects between planets, stars and nebulae. But no one forbids using other slow or fast tools. The main rule is an astrologer must understand the time scales of these tools and use them wisely.
Information on source data
Since there are quite a lot of additional settings and other information, this page displays aggregated information so that the astrologer does not miss anything important and does his job as expected. Don't ignore checking your settings before doing work!
Search objects for organs and diseases
If it is not possible to determine the most evil planet or a certain planet does not indicate a really problematic organ or disease that exists, the program has the ability to search for a dependent planet on the organ or disease. From this page, using specified search phrases (words) and search options, you can determine the planet, which will actually indicate a problem organ or an existing disease.
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Module - diagnosis of diseases
List of objects for diagnostics
Based on the results of the disease diagnostic module, the strongest evil planets are identified, which participate in further work. There may be more than one such planet, but the strongest evil planet will be AntiHileg. In rare cases, if the strength of the evil planets is the same, there can be 2 or more Anti-Hilegs. In this case, no one forbids the astrologer to change the strength of one of the planets, giving it anger and singling it out as the only Anti-Heleg. But this is not necessary, since the display settings allow you to work:
- from one of the selected evil planets - this option is the most minimal for identifying weak organs susceptible to diseases, since the fewer planets, the fewer organs and diseases associated with this planet;
- with all the evil planets on this list. This option is average between the first and third in terms of the number of selected organs and diseases;
- with all the planets that are associated with these healthy planets (analysis of associated planets) - selection of all planets that are associated with evil aspects with evil planets and thereby affecting diseases. This option selects the largest number of organs and diseases and is used in extreme cases.
General characteristics of objects
This page presents the general characteristics of the planet - AntiHileg:
- general description of an evil planet with organs and diseases inherent in this planet;
- description of AntiHileg and its inherent organs and diseases;
- evil planet on Asc;
- burnt evil planet;
- planet in the mine;
- sign in which the evil planet is located;
- elements, in which the evil planet is located.
Organs, systems and functions of objects
According to the identified most evil planet, this page displays the organs inherent in this evil planet according to groups (signs):
- P - organ characteristic of the planet;
- Ph - organ characteristic of the planet in the house;
- Pz - organ characteristic of a planet in a sign;
- Pzh - organ characteristic of a planet in a sign and house;
- Z - organ characteristic of the sign;
- H - organ characteristic of the house;
- A - organ characteristic of the aspect between objects;
- S - organ characteristic of a connection with a star or nebula.
Organs, systems and functions of objects. Aggregation of records
Since the same organ can be inherent in both a planet, a sign, a house, etc., they can be grouped and the number of matches obtained. As a rule, the more matches, the more pronounced the weakness of this organ. In this way, it is possible to determine the most vulnerable organ inherent in Anti-Hileg.
Diseases and conditions for objects
According to the identified most evil planet, this page displays the illnesses, diseases and painful conditions inherent in this evil planet according to the groups (signs):
- P - disease characteristic of the planet;
- Ph - disease characteristic of the planet in the house;
- Pz - disease characteristic of a planet in a sign;
- Pzh - disease characteristic of a planet in a sign and house;
- Z - disease characteristic of the sign;
- H - disease characteristic of the home;
- A - disease characteristic of the aspect between objects;
- S - disease characteristic of a conjunction with a star or nebula.
Diseases and conditions for objects. Aggregation of records
Since the same disease can be inherent in both a planet and a sign, house, etc., then they can be grouped and get the number of matches. Typically, the more matches there are, the more pronounced the disease, disease, or disease state is. In this way, it is possible to determine the most likely illness, disease or painful condition inherent in AntiHileg.
Object degrees. Organ - object - degree
The position of an object in a certain degree has its own characteristics that affect the organs. But it should be taken into account that this influence is small and these characteristics should be taken into account in the background. The main thing is the planets, and everything else is secondary. However, this page provides additional information for the astrologer to make a decision.
Object degrees. Disease - object - degree
The position of an object in a certain degree has its own characteristics that affect the organs and their inherent diseases. But it should be taken into account that this influence is small and these characteristics should be taken into account in the background. The main thing is the planets, and everything else is secondary. However, this page provides additional information for the astrologer to make a decision.
Health (+Hileg)
In addition to strong evil planets, strong good planets called Hilegs are also used in medical astrology. Hileg points to organs and processes that are least susceptible to disease, diseases and painful manifestations. Thus, this page presents the following characteristics:
- description of Hileg;
- good planet on Asc;
- sign in which the good planet is located;
- metabolism;
- disease resistance;
- elements, in which the good planet is located.
Aspects of the chart
Aspects of the chart - standard page for all Galaxy programs. Aspects can be displayed in two views:
- compressed table of aspects - displays in the column and row headings only those objects between which an aspect exists, taking into account the specified conditions (objects are included for constructing aspects and orbs allow you to construct such an aspect);
- full table of aspects - displays in the column and row headings all the objects that are included to construct aspects.
In addition, you can get additional information by clicking on the table on the desired aspect. In this case, information will be displayed not only at the touch point, but also around it, which makes it possible to evaluate the degree measure even in the absence of aspects. And if you click on the title (vertical or horizontal), you can get information on the aspect of a particular object by other objects or who is aspected by the selected object.
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Module - disease prediction
Transit information for the current point
The page displays the following transit information, regardless of the choice of astrological instrument:
- planet for the current period by date-time under the cursor - the planet that controls the current period is calculated. If this period is controlled by AntiHileg or a strong evil planet, then this aggravates the situation with the disease;
- planet of the current year by date-time under curosorm - the planet that controls the current year is calculated. If this period is controlled by AntiHileg or a strong evil planet, then this aggravates the situation with the disease;
- transit Sun through the houses of the natal horoscope;
- transit Moon in a sign for the natal Sun in a sign.
Aspects for the current point. Aggregation of information
This page displays illnesses, diseases and disease states for the Anti-Heleg or evil strong planet depending on the aspects, but in total for all strong evil objects and for the date-time under the cursor. This mode allows you to aggregate information on diseases for all evil planets if summary display of information is selected.
Unfavorable periods for the cut-off level
When you set the cutoff level (in the picture it is 67%), the program calculates the most probable periods of the occurrence of the disease, with which you can continue working on faster astrological tools or transfer these periods to another Galaxy program for subsequent analysis.
Aspects of the chart
Chart Aspects is a standard page for all Galaxy programs. Aspects can be displayed in two views:
- compressed table of aspects - displays in column and row headings only those objects between which there is an aspect, taking into account the specified conditions (objects are included to construct aspects and orbs allow you to construct such an aspect);
- full table of aspects - displays in the column and row headings all the objects that are included to construct aspects.
Besides this, You can get additional information by clicking on the table on the desired aspect. In this case, information will be displayed not only at the point of contact, but also around it, which allows you to evaluate the degree measure even in the absence of aspects. And if you click on the title (vertical or horizontal), then you can obtain information on the aspect of a particular object by other objects or who is aspected by the selected object.
Forecast chart
The forecast chart is displayed either for all instruments or for the selected one, depending on the display selector. In any display mode, periods for evil planets may be displayed in a darker color on the chart if the period in question coincides with the year or period of the planet. If there is a coincidence in the graph, it increases the likelihood of the disease occurring.
Table of disease forecast results in the form of forecast periods
Tension at date-time points is presented graphically 10 by dark squares. 10 dark squares correspond to the maximum relative value of 100% on the graph.
Table of disease forecast results in the form of forecast details
Number 1 means an astrological instrument - Transits. The table shows aspects to the evil planet (Mercury and Mars) at date-time points.
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Module - disease prevention (herbal medicine)
Prevention by zodiac signs
The page displays the following information:
- Disease prevention - recommendations are given for weak, disease-prone organs;
- General recommendations - as the name suggests, general recommendations are given on lifestyle and behavior depending on the evil strong planet (AntiHileg) located in the zodiac sign;
- Manual influence - small recommendations on manual influence;
- Diet - depending on the evil strong planet (AntiHileg), dietary recommendations are given in order to strengthen the functions of organs as a preventive measure in order to avoid further overstrain;
- Food - recommended food products;
- Recommended tea is a “personal” tea that is suitable for prevention.
Plants for objects
This page displays plants, associated with an evil strong planet (AntiHileg). Since there is a direct connection between plants and planets, these plants can be used not only for the prevention of diseases and painful conditions, but also for the treatment of diseases. This is what herbal medicine does. It also provides a general description of the plant and its effects.
Plants for objects. Aggregation of information
Depending on the choice of information display, The program allows you to group plants for an evil strong planet (AntiHileg). This will result in aggregation of information by plant. And the more matches there are for a particular plant, the more effective this plant is for prevention and treatment.
Recipes and cocktails. Disease - plant
This page provides information on recipes and cocktails that are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases, diseases and painful conditions. Depending on the pair consideration selector, you can display different information in the table:
- disease - plant - displays disease - plant pairs and allows you to find a plant for the prevention of a specific disease;
- disease - recipe - displays pairs of disease - recipe and allows you to find a recipe for the treatment or prevention of a specific disease;
- disease - cocktail - displays disease - cocktail pairs and allows you to find a cocktail to prevent a specific disease;
- plant - recipe - displays plant - recipe pairs and allows you to find a recipe containing a specific plant;
- plant - cocktail - displays plant - cocktail pairs and allows you to find a cocktail containing a specific plant.
Recipes and cocktails. Disease - recipe
This page provides information on recipes and cocktails that are used to prevent and treat illnesses, diseases and painful conditions. Depending on the pair consideration selector, you can display different information in the table:
- disease - plant - displays disease - plant pairs and allows you to find a plant for the prevention of a specific disease;
- disease - recipe - displays disease - recipe pairs and allows you to find a recipe for the treatment or prevention of a specific disease;
- disease - cocktail - displays pairs of disease - cocktail and allows you to find a cocktail to prevent a specific disease;
- plant - recipe - displays plant - recipe pairs and allows you to find a recipe containing a specific plant;
- plant - cocktail - displays plant - cocktail pairs and allows you to find a cocktail containing a specific plant.
Recipes and cocktails. Disease - cocktail
This page provides information on recipes and cocktails that are used to prevent and treat illnesses, diseases and painful conditions. Depending on the pair consideration selector, you can display different information in the table:
- disease - plant - displays pairs disease - plant and allows you to find a plant for the prevention of a specific disease;
- disease - recipe - displays disease - recipe pairs and allows you to find a recipe for the treatment or prevention of a specific disease;
- disease - cocktail - displays disease - cocktail pairs and allows you to find a cocktail to prevent a specific disease;
- plant - recipe - displays plant - recipe pairs and allows you to find a recipe containing a specific plant;
- plant - cocktail - displays plant - cocktail pairs and allows you to find a cocktail containing a specific plant.
Recipes and cocktails. Plant - recipe
This page provides information on recipes and cocktails that are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases, diseases and painful conditions. Depending on the pair consideration selector, you can display different information in the table:
- disease - plant - displays disease - plant pairs and allows you to find a plant for the prevention of a specific disease;
- disease - recipe - displays pairs of disease - recipe and allows you to find a recipe for the treatment or prevention of a specific disease;
- disease - cocktail - displays disease - cocktail pairs and allows you to find a cocktail to prevent a specific disease;
- plant - recipe - displays plant - recipe pairs and allows you to find a recipe containing a specific plant;
- plant - cocktail - displays plant - cocktail pairs and allows you to find a cocktail containing a specific plant.
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